Apr 9, 2021
To watch this episode, please
visit Rachel’s
Listeners can find Jenny Blake
at her website https://jennythenutritionist.com/create-your-shape/
and on Instagram @jennythenutritionist.
Jenny is a Licensed Nutritionist
who helps active, Type A ladies change their body composition in
her program, Create Your Shape. With a background in Crossfit and a
Nationally Qualified Bikini competitor, she's learned the
strategies to build muscle, decrease body fat, and ultimately
change your body shape. Jenny then applied these strategies
to "normal" life, and focused on only doing what's most
effective. Do less, but with more intention is the key to
efficiency. She's helped hundreds of ladies build their
shape, understand the strategy, and create a routine to serve them
long term.
In this episode, we chat about how to work smarter, not
harder to get results, how to get the best out of your training
program, old diet culture methods and why they don’t work, habit
building, and more!
"People think, 'I need to do
all this extreme stuff' and underestimate the power of just being
consistent. That is really how you take it to the next
level." Jenny
Top Takeaways:
- Jenny’s five metrics used to optimize
- Number one tool used to change your body
- Mindless workouts vs. intentional
- How to strategically improve calorie intake to
start seeing results
Show Notes:
- [0:00] Welcome back to MetFlex and Chill! Today
is a guest episode with Jenny Blake!
- [0:30] Few days left to sign up for the
Muscle Science For Women
- [1:00] If you're enjoying the show share it out
by screenshotting an episode and tagging @rachelgregory.cns or leave a review on iTunes to help grow the
show! Or leave a review on iTunes!
- [2:00] Rachel introduces guest Jenny
Blake @jennythenutritionist to the show!
- [2:30] Jenny dives into her childhood and how
she became passionate about fitness and nutrition
- [5:00] The vicious cycle of being overworked
and underfed
- [9:30] Question: In terms of strategies, where
do you like to start with your clients?
- [12:30]
periodization for long
term goals vs. immediate gratification
- [14:00] Question: What are metrics that you
personally use with your clients?
- [17:00] Increasing calories to actually help
achieve your goals!
- [19:00] How to convince clients to rewire
thinking on diet culture
to achieve optimal
- [22:30] Question: Can we talk about
circuit style training classes
and how they can lead to being
unproductive when overused to achieve body composition
- [24:30] “I like to think training and working
out is serving two different purposes, one to exhaust your lungs,
and then to change your body shape and to build
- [26:00] Metabolic adaptation and
relative energy
- [28:30] Benefits of
recovery mode
- [30:00]
Intentional programming
explained and why it's important to
follow a progressive, structured program vs. mindless working out
or ‘program hopping’
- [36:00]
Nutrient timing
- [36:30] How to work smarter not
- [42:30] Goals and how to finetune your
- [45:00] “We start to think that consistency is
on the same level as perfection when it’s actually the opposite.”
- [45:00] Habit building to create a lifestyle
you can adhere to
- [47:30] “If you take three weeks and actually
think about the math problem, and divide those three weeks, your
body represents months and weeks of what you've done beforehand,
not just the day before or that day.” Jenny
- [53:30] Check out Jenny’s programs at
and on Instagram @jennythenutritionist
- [53:30] Last chance to sign up for the
Muscle Science For Women
Join the FREE MetFLex Life
Course: www.metflexandchill.com
Rachel Gregory (@rachelgregory.cns) is a Board-Certified Nutrition Specialist,
Strength and Conditioning Specialist, and Author of the
best-selling book, 21-Day Ketogenic Diet Weight Loss
Challenge. She received
her Master’s Degree in Nutrition & Exercise Physiology from James
Madison University and Bachelor’s Degree in Sports Medicine from
the University of Miami.
Rachel helps her clients
transform their lives by starting with the physical (body),
realizing the power of the mental (mindset), and ultimately gaining
massive confidence that bleeds into every aspect of their lives
(family, relationships, work, etc.).